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IANA Committee (IC) Minutes 14 July 2013

IC attendees: Bill Graham, Thomas Narten, Mike Silber, Suzanne Woolf, and Kuo-Wei Wu (Chair)

Invited Attendees: Jonne Soinien (observing)

Staff Attendees: Megan Bishop, Michelle Bright, Michelle Cotton, Kim Davies, Elise Gerich, Elizabeth Le, and Leo Vegoda

  1. Delegation and Redelegation Requests – Staff presented a proposal for the production, review and distribution of documents relating to delegation and redelegation requests. The IC reviewed and revised the flow chart of the proposed process to include an additional step for review by the IC (by way of the Committee Chair with a copy to Committee members) after legal review and before submission to Board. The Chair will be responsible for reading the request and circulating it the Committee members for comment and selecting a shepherd. The IC members will have five business days to comment, after which the documents will be submitted to the Board. The IC also reviewed the revised process description checklist, which has been turned into a one-page overview of all the key facts relating to the assessment. Further, the IC reviewed a sample of the new formats for Board submissions.

    • Action:

      • Staff to update the flow process and recirculate for Committee's review.