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Minutes | Meeting of the Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee (BAMC) | 2 December 2022

BAMC Attendees: Becky Burr, Edmon Chung, Sarah Deutsch, Patricio Poblete, León Sánchez (Chair), and Katrina Sataki

BAMC Member Apologies: Alan Barrett

Other Board Member Attendees: Manal Ismail

ICANN organization Attendees: Franco Carrasco (Board Operations Specialist), Samantha Eisner (Deputy General Counsel), Casandra Furey (Associate General Counsel), John Jeffrey (General Counsel and Secretary), Elizabeth Le (Associate General Counsel), and Amy Stathos (Deputy General Counsel)

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken, and actions identified:

  1. Discussion re .GCC Independ Review Process (IRP) – The Committee discussed the materials submitted to the BAMC by the IRP claimant in response to the Governmental Advisory Committee's stated rationale for its consensus advice against the .GCC application. The BAMC also discussed next steps in the .GCC IRP after evaluating all of the input that went into considering the .GCC application. Following careful consideration, the Committee discussed potentially proceeding with a recommendation to the Board on next steps and requested that ICANN org further develop the option for the Committee's consideration.

    • Action: ICANN org to further develop an option for next steps for the Committee's consideration.
  2. Revisions to the ICANN Documentary Information Disclosure Policy (DIDP) – The Committee considered the proposed revisions to the DIDP as part of the implementation work of the Board-approved Cross-Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability Work Stream 2's recommendations on revisions to the DIDP. The proposed revisions were published for public comment, and where appropriate, ICANN org has incorporated the comments received into the proposed revisions to the DIDP. The Committee raised a question about the breadth of one of the DIDP Conditions for Nondisclosure and org agreed to review all of them and to bring a further revised DIDP back to the BAMC for further consideration.

    • Action: ICANN org to review the DIDP Conditions for Nondisclosure in light of BAMC discussion and bring back to the BAMC for consideration.
  3. Litigation Update – The Committee received a litigation update.
  4. AOB – The BAMC discussed improving its efficiency by conducting a workshop for all Committee members on accountability mechanisms. The BAMC also discussed the idea of updating the Committee's charter to include a responsibility and process for receiving and evaluating litigation updates.

Published on 10 January 2023